About Us
There are numerours photobanks of emotional expressions in the market. Everyone can freely download the photographs but the information about the production and validition is mostly inaccessable. The photographs are usually unsystematic arranged, e.g., you may not able to get a complete set of discrete emotional expressions from a single posers in those freely accessed photobank, not to mention the uncontrolled background environment and the postures of the posers.
PEEYA attempts to provide its users with a friendly platform. The information of the production process and the validation are available on the website. Complete sets of emotional expressions are freely downloadable.Another highlight of PEEYA is its collection of well-calbrated emotionals expressions of
Asians which is not easily found in other online photobanks.
Photobank of Emotional Expressions of Young Asaians is supported by the FDS of GRF (Ref: UGC/FDS15/H21/14)
So, here are some examples...
The picture icons of our four posers (M1, M2, F1, F2) with neutral expression are placed in the middle. It is surrounded by six different types of emoitonal expressions shown by these posers. By clicking any emotional expression icon, you will see how a neutral expression of your chosen poser gradually changes to a destinated emotional expression.
Here is a simple example of how the photographs of the emotional expressions are used in your research. Morphiong is a general technique that generate transitional pictures between two target photographs. For example, if you want to see the facial changes from a neutral face to a happy face, by any morphing software available in the market, you can assigne the neutral face and happy face of a same poser as the targets pictures and feed it to your morphing software. After defining the number of tranistional pictures you want to have, the software can generate a spectrum of tranistional pictures showing how a neutral face eventually turn to a happy face.


Production of PEEYA can be divided into two major phases: photographing and validation
Nine Chinese undergraduates (4 females and 5 males men ranging in age from 19 to 21) were invited to be posers for the photobank. Each poser sat in front of a white background in a quiet room and was asked to demonstrate six basic emotional expressions which were be recorded by a digital camera with 12M-pixel resolution. To help the posers display the expressions, they were encouraged to simultaneously think of corresponding personal experiences. Furthermore, pictures of the corresponding emotional expressions will be shown for reference. Each set of photographs were preliminarily screened by 4 raters (2 men and 2 women). A set would only be further processed if there were more than two raters identified the seven photos correctly. All the accepted photographs were then standardized to 480-560 x 518 pixels and digitized as grayscale images.
Validation: Rating on Typicality:
The photographic sets of nine posers (i.e., 63 photographs in total) were tested for its validaity. An additional photograph set of emotional expressions of a middle-age Chinese from another published study (Wang et al., 2006) was regarded as a comparing group in this validating exercise.
Twenty-one undergraduates (14 females and 7 males), age ranging from 18 to 22, were recruited as raters who were required to rate the magnitude of each emotional expression which were shown on a 15” screen randomly. A fixation appeared for one second at the beginning of each trail, and a photograph was then presented. Six questions regarding the typicality of the emotions were shown randomly below each photograph, and the raters were asked to response in score from 1 to 7 to indicate the magnitude of the emotional expression, with 7 representing the strongest emotion. A new trial then begun after all six keystroke responses were received. All keystroke responses were recorded by software DirectRT.
Results: Four sets of emotional expressions from four posers were eventually selected. The typicality scores of all the expressions of each of these four posers are generally above 4 in a 7-point rating scale.
Validation: Rating on Valence and Arousal:
Another thirty raters (twenty females and ten males, age ranging from 18-22) were recruited to evaluate the strength of
valence and arousal dimensions of the selected four sets mentioned above. The 28 photographs of the emotional expressions from the 4 posers were randomly shown, and two questions regarding the valence and arousal of the emotions were shown below each photograph. Raters were required to response in a 7-point scale, whereas 1 means Inactive/Unpleasant and
7 means Active/Pleasant.
Results: A table of scores is shown as below.
The production and validation process of PEEYA has been presented in the 31st International Congress of Psychology. A production note can also be downloaded here.

M = 2.29; SD = 1.34
M = 2.39; SD = 1.17
M = 2.88; SD = 1.19
M = 5.74; SD = 1.10
M = 2.37; SD = 1.27
M = 3.47; SD = 1.11
M = 3.78; SD = 1.75
M = 3.48; SD = 1.67
M = 4.14; SD = 1.54
M = 5.11; SD = 1.26
M = 2.93; SD = 1.51
M = 4.90; SD = 1.47
Here, you can freely download the well-calbrated sets of emotional expressions from our 2 posers (F1 and M1 ) and the full report of the production and validation processes.
PEEYA also provides you with the sets of emotional expressions from other 7 posers
(F2, F3, F4, F5, M2 , M3, and M4) and the corresponding rating scores. You can determine whether they also fit well to your study.
We would be very grateful if you can make the below citation when you use our photgraphic stimuli in your research work. And you would be greatly appreciated if you can tell us (lylo@hksyu.edu) any of your published research work using any set of the stimuli downloaded from PEEYA.
Wishing you every success in your research work!
If you would like to know more about this photobank or seek for research partnership, you are very welcome to leave us a message!